Climo Studios
Climo Studios is now Life Ring Web Services. Please visit for our up to date services and contact.
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Check out our portfolio
Here is our current portfolio, while at this moment in time it may look small to us this is just a seed of a successful future at Climo Studios. All these people we have enjoyed working with and most we continue to on a regular basis.
Websites we have built

Jubatus Deliverance
Jubatus Deliverance was an original low budget build we had complete in a couple of days. While the future is an ongoing project this while basic just shows how advanced and efficient web design has become.

Cafe Villa
This website was done for the local cafe in Ngaio and was the very first taste of web development for Climo Studios. While being a huge learning experience much fun was had to build it all from scratch and years later I think it still looks fantastic.

New Zealand Mollusca Biodiversity Archive
This as of writing is a living and growing project. Being the largest site anyone in the agency has ever built this has been a surprisingly smooth and fun process, might be all the nature or it might be the amazing client!
Graphic Design

Mother Earth
This was a case study done at Yoobee on how a new logo/identity can kickstart life back into a stalling business. While Mother Earth is doing amazing and we still find this to be a simplistically perfect design worthy of a spot.

Da$$i is a music artist from Wellington New Zealand, a local lad. I was very happy to work with him and found the process very enjoyable. Not to mention that the final product came out amazing and still love it a year later.

Purple Elephant
Done for a programme coordinator group out of Ngaio this was a much more corporate and straightforward process. Many iterations and one clean final product.

Voodoo Bloo
Done in a collection of 3 for the famous New Zealand band Voodoo Bloo. This was a fantastic experience and the people there made us feel like one huge team.

Voodoo Bloo
Done in a collection of 3 for the famous New Zealand band Voodoo Bloo. This was a fantastic experience and the people there made us feel like one huge team.

Voodoo Bloo
Done in a collection of 3 for the famous New Zealand band Voodoo Bloo. This was a fantastic experience and the people there made us feel like one huge team.